Welcome to the Forward Progress A.R.C. for Success Program!
Forward Progress is an innovative, instructional program designed to help people who are involved in a pre-trial or post-conviction misdemeanor case.
In California,
the risk of elevating a misdemeanor to the severity of a felony happens in specific circumstances including:
Domestic Violence
Petty Theft
Indecent Exposure
Drunk Driving with Three Prior Charges
Receipt of Stolen Property
This class has been mandated by the court for Diversion and/or as a condition of Summary Probation to help you avoid committing a more serious crime that could lead to a felony charge. The purpose of this class is to help you escape the trap of recidivism.
Per court mandate, this class is designed to focus your attention on the seriousness of your misdemeanor charge and actions. By your degree of open and active participation in this class, you will demonstrate your interest in having this charge stricken from your record.